Tim Shannon

Small Business Suite

Designing and managing a suite of apps from scratch... mostly

A division of the Zenoti product offerings, Zenoti Small Business took the complex enterprise capabilities of the flagship product, and simplied it for the specific needs of a single location business.

Read the case study

Zenoti Small Business

Precision Medicine Exchange

Enhancing a product for the next phase

As a subsidiary of the pharmaceutical conglomerate Amerisourcebergen Corporation, IntrinsiQ PME offered a product to help oncologists find the most up-to-date data on therapies to assist in finding potential treatments for their patients.

Read the case study

PME Patient Matching

Point of Sale

Refreshing an actively used interface

Working within the restrictions of an old, brittle technology with thousands of active users, I was asked to refresh the Point of Sale application for the Zenoti enterprise platform.

Read the case study

Point of Sale UI Refresh

Zen Design System

Creating a multi-product design system

Building out a complete design system from humble beginnings.

Read the case study

Point of Sale UI Refresh

Upcoming work...

Amazon Kindle App

Merging Kindle App UX/UI and Goodreads App UX/UI

Amazon Prime Video

Creating flows for favoriting sports teams

Meta Generation AI

Interactive image segment selection for image generation

Amazon and Meta Screens

Illustrations and Explorations

UI concept screens for past projects, Kindle achievement illustrations and concert poster designs.